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I buried a good friend last week; Brian Magennis. I don’t intend to use this piece as a testimony to the wonderful person he was or to the brilliant leader that he was, (and he was both those and much more). However, I do want to highlight the real benefits for organisations of even one [...]
Would you look for a book in a bike shop, or a bike in a book shop?  Of course not. Yet, in business, we often search for solutions in the wrong places - like looking for the bike in a bookstore. For instance, when two colleagues clash, we frequently misidentify the root cause, assuming the [...]
My work with businesses often involves some form of gathering or meeting with groups of workers. The key objective is normally around a specific aspect of individual and/or team development. The objective, and an outline of how the session will unfold, is normally agreed with either a learning and development person or the line manager/director [...]
Unplug, Unwind, and Unleash Your Inner Light: Coaching From The Soul - A light hearted conversation Feeling like your thoughts are on a hamster wheel?  Longing for a deeper connection to yourself and the world around you? Join us for a light-hearted and interactive talk series, Coaching From The Soul, where we'll embark on a [...]
A couple of years ago I started writing a book entitled…” Why can’t I just be happy?” I know that “happiness is an inside job” and that it is my thoughts, not my circumstances, that determine my feelings of happiness. That knowledge didn’t stop me from writing about all the circumstances of my life that [...]
The story is often told about the 3-year-old girl who asks her parents if she can have 5 minutes alone with her newborn baby brother. The parents wait outside the room to listen to what is going on and they hear their daughter ask her brother “Can you tell me what it is like before [...]
“Who are ya” is one of the more polite, derogatory chants commonly heard in English soccer stadiums when opposition fans want to question the ability of their opposition team or selected players within that team. Some dictionaries even suggest it may have been in common use in the mid-19th century in London, again as a [...]

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